Akashic Records. Experiential training on INTUITION

Reading Akashic Records is a technique that allows you to access the Field of Information and get the answers to some vital questions, re-establish the connection with your inner voice, and make decisions from your heart. In this space, everything makes sense, even our most significant drawbacks, as they aim to show us how to act and explain why we are in that situation. All this is written and recorded in the Akashic Records called The Book of the Soul or The Book of Wisdom.

The connection with the Akashic Records is not only a technique to get information, but they also provide us with information that we do not expect to find, which is the main reason why we have come this time to this place.

If we follow it, we can find the stability and happiness that we have come to live with, the perfect harmony. It is pure magic because living is a miracle. After all, we have come to experience a great adventure, and we have the opportunity and the duty that it is an enjoyment for us, full of moments of happiness. We have been given this great tool that is the Akashic Records.


In the two days workshop, you will be lovingly guided toward learning various techniques to connect and read Akashic Records.

Join us in training and learn how to LISTEN to your inner voice
and to ACCESS the inner WISDOM.


General information:

This training is happening offline (face to face) on the 29th- 30th of April 2023 | 10 am – 7:00 pm (incl. 1-hour lunch break) in Abcoude.

The exact location will be shared with the participants a few days before the training. The training will be held in English.


Who is the Facilitator?

Noemi Lazaro (Nartan) is an International Trainer of Akashic Reading. Therapist and breathwork practitioner. More information about the Facilitator < here>.

ATTENTION: All registered participants can book an Akashic Reading session with the trainer before the workshop for a discounted 60 euros/hour price.


Follow the link to listen to a short discussion about Akashic Records and get more ideas about the training, the benefits, and the methodology.


What are the benefits?

You will be lovingly guided through the know-how to access Akashic Records during the training.
You will learn how to:

  1. Connect with your intuition and how to LISTEN TO the voice of your heart and your inner wisdom
  2. Access the Field of Information to access YOUR records and the records of OTHERS

As a result, you can access the joy of the heart and enjoy your life more. Also, by improving the communication with your heart, you will enjoy MORE AND WILL SUFFER/EXPERIENCE much less mental stress.


How much do I pay?

The 2-days workshop costs 220 Euro. The fee includes a handout, a certificate, and small refreshments during the training.


How do I register?

Step 1: Fill out the form below

Step 2: We require a 50,00 Euro prepayment as a spot reservation. We take prepayments using the classic bank transfer, credit card, PayPal, & Tikkie. Please state your favorite way of payment in the form.


Akashic Records

  • Please share your full name. If you wish to receive an invoice, indicate the full name to be stated on the invoice.
  • Please leave your full phone number, incl. the international pre-fix, for example: 0032 123456789. We might get in touch with you about the training logistics prior to the event date.
    Akashic Record Reading Session for 60 Euro instead of 70 Euro/hour
    Please indicate the payment method for the 50,00 Eur (seat reservation).
  • Applicable if you would like to receive an invoice




  • Will I get my money back if I cannot participate in the training?

Yes, your money will come back to you if you cancel your participation one month before the start of the training. There might be a manipulation charge for the transfer only. You will get half the amount back if you cancel two weeks before the training. Should you do it less than two weeks before the start of the training, we will keep the installment.

  • Will there be lunch during the training?

Yes, you will have the possibility of lunch delivery. You are also welcome to take your lunch box, should you prefer to eat self-prepared meals.

  • What do I need to bring?

Please bring loose white and comfortable clothes, a water bottle, a pen, and your notebook.


Still open questions?

Please send them to contact@eifid.com, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Further sources: